
Protein Science

We treat every request for Protein Science support on a case-by-case basis. We take time to understand the nuances specific to the protein target in question. Then, based upon any literature precedent and our in-house experience, each proposal is tailored to the end use and project goals.


Across our capabilities


Construct Design

  • Structure-guided sequence design.
  • In-house design and subcloning for rapid turn-around of expression vector preparation/mutagenesis.
  • Versatile expression vectors for wide choice of tagging for solubility enhancement, purification and downstream processing with tag cleavage possibility.


Cell Science

  • Commercial and in-house modified E. coli strains for well folded proteins.
  • Mammalian cell expression in HEK293-6E, CHO-3E7 and HEK Expi293.
  • Insect cell expression in Sf9, Sf21, Hi5 cells.
  • Expression screening of different conditions for best yield of well folded protein.
  • Scale-up expression in the best condition up to 25L scale.
  • 15N, 13C, 2H protein labelling in minimal media to support NMR.
  • Low endotoxin batches.


Protein Purification

  • Standard chromatography methods for purification of high grade protein.
  • In vivo biotinylation of target protein.
  • Dedicated Membrane protein production team.
  • Protein refolding from inclusion bodies.
  • Low endotoxin batches.


Protein Analysis Quality Control

  • Standard analytical package typically includes SDS-PAGE, Analytical SEC, A280, intact mass spectrometry.
  • SPR / DLS / MST / FTSA / CETSA available through our Biophysics team.
  • Also available
    • Peptide mapping / LCMS
    • Endotoxin LAL assay
    • SEC-MALS
    • FIDA
    • ITC